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Are there halal stocks in India?

Fortunately, there are many Shariah-compliant stocks listed on the Indian stock exchange, which creates an opportunity for Muslim investors to diversify their investments. According to the data analyzed by Musaffa, 35% of Indian stocks are Shariah-Compliant. We listed down the 15 Halal stocks in India based on their market cap;

Why are Muslims hesitant to invest in halal stocks in India?

Muslims in India are increasingly interested in halal investing and halal stocks as they want to participate in capital markets. However, they are hesitant because they want to avoid investing in non-Shariah-compliant stocks.

Are halal stocks safe?

Strictly, no unethical and socially harmful industry: Weapons Narcotics Vulgar entertainment Etc. Experts suggests, a company's stock can be identified as Halal when the ratio of company's debt vs company's value is below 33%. Halal stocks are naturally safe because of debt limits

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